
Whether you are a fresh nursing student who recently got admission in a Nursing College/School in Pakistan or a continuing student, you will definitely need BS nursing books in Pakistan to appear in your nursing exams. 

So this article is all for you! In this article, you will find the lists of books from the first year nursing program to the final year nursing examination. 

All the BS nursing books in Pakistan that we are writing here for you to buy for your examinations are 100% authorized and recommended by the Pakistan Nursing Council (PNC).

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BSN 1st-Year Books

BS Nursing Books for 1st-Year or first semester in Pakistan are as follows. Nursing students study a total of 09 books:

01. Fundamental of Nursing-I 
02. Microbiology 
03. Anatomy and Physiology-I 
04. Biochemistry 
05. Computer Skills 
06. English-I 
07. Fundamental of Nursing -II 
08. Anatomy and Physiology-II 
09. Applied Nutrition 
10. Community Health Nursing I 
11. English-II 
12. Islamiat 
13. Pak. Studies

Reference Books for BS Nursing 1st-Year

Fundamentals of Nursing-I 


01. Carpinito L. J. (1998). Nursing Care Plans & Documentation: Nursing Diagnosis and Collaborative Problem (3rd ed.) Philadelphia: Lippincott 

02. Craven, R. F., & Hirnle, C. J. (2000). Fundamentals of Nursing: Human Health and Function. (3rd ed.). New York: Lippincott. 

03. Delaune, S. C., & Ladner, P. K. (2002). Fundamentals of Nursing: Standards and Practice. (2nd ed.) Canada: Delmar. 

04. Erb, G. K., B. (2000). Fundamentals of Nursing: Concepts, Process and Practice (5th ed.) Addison: Wesley. 

05. Potter, P. A & Perry, A. G. (2003). Basic Nursing: Essentials for Practice (5th ed.) St. Louis: Mosby. 

  • Microbiology 

Reference Books

1. Atlas, M, R. (1989). Microbiology. New York: McMillan Publishing.

2. Bocock, J. E. (1972). Microbiology for Nurses. London: Bailliere Tindall. 

3. Colee, J. G. (1981). Applied Medical Microbiology. New York: Blackwell Scientific. 

4. Gladwin, M. (1997). Clinical Microbiology made ridiculously simple. Singapore: Med Master. 5. Gupte, S. (1990). Practice Microbiology. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical. 

6. Hare, R. (1980). Bacteriology and Immunity for Nurses. London: Longman Group.

7. Inglis, J. J. T. (1996). Microbiology and Infection. New York: Churchill Livingstone. 

8. Jawetz, R. (1992). Medical Microbiology. London: Appleton and Lange. 

9. Parker, M. J. (1978). Microbiology for Nurses. London: Bailliere Tindall. 

10. Stucke, A. V. (1993). Microbiology for Nurses. London: Bailliere Tindal. 26 

11. Tortora, J. G., & Funke, R. B. (1995). Microbiology and Introduction. New York: The Benjamin / Cumming. 

12. Volk, A. W. (1991). Essentials of Medical Microbiology. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott.

  • Anatomy and Physiology-I 

Reference Books

01. Guyton, A. C. (2001). Medical Physiology (10th ed) Washington: Kirokawa. 

02. Tortora, G. J. (2000). Principles of Human Anatomy and Physiology (3rd ed). New York: Happer & Row.

  • Biochemistry 

Reference Books

1. Jacob A. (2004). Biochemistry for Nurses, 2nd ed. New-Delhi: Jaypee Brothers. 

2. Chatterjea MN. (2004) Textbook of Biochemistry for dental /nursing / pharmacy students 2nd ed, New Delhi : jaypee. 

3. Sackheim, G. I. (1994).In Chemistry for the health science, 7th ed , New York: Macmillan. 

4. Tortora, F. J., & Anagnostakos, N.P. (2000). Principles of Anatomy & Physiology, New York: Harper & Row. 

5. Lehninger N. I (1997) Principles of Biochemistry, 2nd ed, New York: Worth. 

  • Computer Skills 

Reference Books

1. Arnold, J. M., & Pearson, G. A. (1992). Computer Applications in Nursing Education and Practice. New York: National League of Nursing. 

2. Saba, V. K., & McCormick, K. A. (1995). Essentials of Computers for Nurses. New York: McGraw Hill. 

3. Thede. L. Q. (1999). Computers in Nursing: Bridges to the Future. Philadelphia: Lippincott. 

  • English-I 
  1. English Grammar (Dogar Sons)
  • Fundamental of Nursing -II 

Reference Books

1. Carpinito L. J. (1998). Nursing Care Plans & Documentation: Nursing Diagnosis And Collaborative Problem (3rd ed.) Philadelphia: Lippincott 

2. Craven, R. F., & Hirnle, C. J. (2000). Fundamentals of Nursing: Human Health and Function. (3rd ed.). New York: Lippincott. 

3. Delaune, S. C., & Ladner, P. K. (2002). Fundamentals of Nursing: Standards and Practice. (2nd ed.) Canada: Delmar. 

4. Erb, G. K., B. (2000). Fundamentals of Nursing: Concepts, Process and Practice (5th ed.) Addison: Wesley.

5. Potter, P. A & Perry, A. G. (2003). Basic Nursing: Essentials for Practice (5th ed.) St. Louis: Mosby

  • Anatomy and Physiology-II 

Reference Books

1. Guyton, A. C. (2001). Medical Physiology (10th ed) Washington: Kirokawa. 

2. Ross, & Wilson. (2000) Anatomy & Physiology in Health & Illness. Edinburgh: Churchill 8 th Edition. 

3. Tortora, G. J. (2000). Principles of Human Anatomy and Physiology (3rd ed). New York: Happer & Row.

  • Applied Nutrition 
  • Community Health Nursing I 

Reference Books

1. Allender, J. A., Spradley, B. W. (2000). Community Health Nursing: Concepts and practice New York: Lippincott. 

2. Ali, S. Z. (July 2000). Health for all in Pakistan: Achievements Strategies and Challenges. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 6. 4, 832-837. 

3. Ansari. I. M., (2003) Community medicine and public health. (6th ed) Karachi. 

4. Basavanthappa, B. T. (1999). Community health nursing (1st ed.). New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers. 

5. Bull, J., McCormic, G. Swann, C., Mulvihill, C. Evidence briefing (February 2004), Antenatal and postnatal home visiting programs: A review of reviews (Summary). Retrieved from 

6. Clarke. J., (1999) Revising the concepts of community care and community health nursing. Nursing Standards, 10 34-36. 

7. Chagani, J. A. (2002, August 29). Health Education `A missing pillar’. Arab News pp.13. 

8. Islam. A., Taheer. M. Z. (2002). Health sector reform in south Asia:New Challenges and constrains. Health Policy and Planning, 60, 151169 

9. Iliyas, M. (2003). Community medicine & public health (6th ed.). Karachi: Time Publisher. 

10. Karachi Health Devolution plan (2000) Net sites: 

11. McEwen, M. & Nice, M. A. (2001). Community health nursing: Promoting the health of population. Toronto: Saunders 

12. “Pakistan Government health care system 1997” The Aga Khan University School of Nursing unpublished document. 

13. Slam. A (2002). Health sector reforms in Pakistan: Why is it needed. Pakistan Medical Associations, 52, (3), 95-100. 

14. World health organization (WHO, 1990) Primary Health Care towards the year 2000. Report of consultative primary health care development held in Geneva. 

15. Kozier, B., Erb, G. & Oliveri, R. (1991) Fundamentals of Nursing: Concepts Process. and Practice. (4th ed.) St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book. 

16. Ellis, J. R. & Hartley, C. L. (1992). Nursing in today’s world: Challenges! Issues and trends. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott.

  • English-II 
  • Islamiat 

01.Natiq, A. Q. (1992). Sirat-e-must aim English translation by Muhammad Raza Kazmi Karachi: Tahir Sons.

02. Zafar, M.D. (1999). Islamic education Lahore: Aziz Book Dept.

  • Pak. Studies 

BSN 2nd-Year Books

BS Nursing Books for 2nd-Year or second semester in Pakistan are as follows. In 2nd year of BS Nursing, students have to study a total of 13 books: 

01. Adult Health Nursing-I 
02. Pathophysiology-I 
03. Health Assessment-I 
04. Pharmacology-I 
05. Mathematics 
06. English-III 
07. Adult Health Nursing-II 
08. Pathophysiology-II 
09. Pharmacology-II 
10.Health Assessment -II 
11.Developmental Psychology 
12. English-IV 
13. Nursing Ethics

Reference Books 

Reference books for the BSN 2nd-Year recommended books are as follows: 

  • 01. Adult Health Nursing-II


1. Brune, B. (July 2001). Deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis: The effectiveness and implications of using below knee or thigh length graduated compression stocking. (Vol. 30). Heart and lung 277-284. 

2. Dolan, J. T. (1991). Critical care nursing: Clinical management through nursing process. Philadelphia: Davis. 104 

3. Hunt, J. O., Hendrata, M. V., and Myles, P. S. (November/December, 2001). Quality of life 12 months after coronary artery bypass graft surgery. (Vol. 29) Heart and lung. 401- 411. 

4. Ignatavicius, D., & Workman, M. (2002). Medical surgical nursing (4th ed.)Critical thinking for collaborative carePhiladelphia: Saunder. 

5. Ross, & Wilson, K. J. (2002). Anatomy and physiology in health and illness. (7th ed.). Hong Kong: Livingstone. 

6. Sole, M. L., Lamborn, M. L., & Hartshorn, J. C. (2001). Introduction to critical care nursing (3rd ed). .New York: Saunders. 

7. Smeltzer, S. C., & Bare, B. G. (2000). Text book of medical-surgical nursing (9th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott. 

8. Then, A. a. K., I. A. (September/October, 2001). Acute myocardial infarction with angiographically normal coronary arteries. (Vol. 29)Heart and lung, 348-350. 

9. Thompson, J. M., McFarland, G. K., Hirsch, J. E., & Tucker, S. M. (2002a). Clinical nursing (5th ed). London: Mosby. 

10. Thompson, J. M., McFarland, G. K., Hirsch, J. E., & Tucker, S. M. (2002b). Burns (5th ed.) Clinical nursing. London: Mosby. 

11. Tortora, G. J. G., S. R. (2000). Principles of anatomy and physiology (9th. ed). New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc

02. Pathophysiology-I 


1. Carol, P. M. (2000). Pathophysiology concept of altered health states. Philadelphia:J. B. Lippincott 77 

2. Author D. Fluid & electrolyte made incredibly easy. (2002). 2 nd ed). Pennsylvania springhouse. 

3. Sue, Huether E. (2000). Understanding pathophysiology New York: Mosby. 

4. Tortora, G. J., & Anagnostakos, N. P. (2000). Principles of anatomy and physiology New York:Harper & Row.

5. Wilson, S. A. P & LM. (1997). Clinical concepts of disease processes (5th ed). Mosby. 

08. Pathophysiology-II 


1. Carol, Porth M. (2000). Pathophysiology concept of altered health states (new ed). Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott 

2. Sue, Huether E. (2000). Understanding pathophysiology New York: Mosby. 

3. Tortora, G. J., & Anagnostakos, N. P. (2000). Principles of anatomy and physiology New York:Harper & Row.

4. Wilson, Sylvia A. Price & Lorraine M. (1997). Clinical concepts of disease processes (5th ed). Mosby. 

03. Health Assessment-I 


1. Bicklay, L. S. (1999). Bates’ guide to physical examination and history taking (7th ed).Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott. 

2. Cox, C. H. (1997). Clinical applications of nursing diagnosis (3rd ed). 

3. DeGowin, R. L., & Brown, D. D. (2000). Degowin’s diagnostic examination (7th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. 

4. Fuller, J. & Schaller Ayers, J. (2000). Health Assessment: A Nursing approach. (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott. 

5. Jarvis, C. (1996). Physical examination & health assessment (2nd ed).Philadelphia: Saunders. 

6. McFarland, G. K, et. al. (1997). Nursing diagnosis and intervention planning for patient care chapter 1 & 2 (3rd ed). 

7. Munro, J. F., & Campbell, I. W. (2000). Macleod’s clinical examination (10th ed). Edinburgh: Churchhill Livingstone. 

8. Thompson, B. (1991). Clinical manual of health assessment. (4th ed).St. Louis: Mosby. 113 

9. Weber, J. R. (2001). Nurses’ handbook of health assessment (4th ed). Philadelphia: Lippincott. 

10. Wilson, S. F; Giddens J. F. (2001). Health assessment for nursing practice (2nd ed).St. Louis: Mosby.

09. Pharmacology-II 

References: 1. 

01. Chrousos, G. P. & Margioris, A. N. (2001). Adrenocorticosteroids & adrenocortical antagonism. 

2. Clayton, B. D. & Stock, Y. N. ((2001). Basic pharmacology for nurses. 12th ed London: Mosby. 

3. Mccuistion, L. E. G., R. J. (2002a). Drugs affecting the endocrine system. In real-world nursing survival guide: Pharmacology. London: Saunders. 

4. Mccuistion, L. E. G., R. J. (2002b). Psychotherapeutic agents in drugs affecting the nervous system. In real-world nursing survival guide: Pharmacology. London: Saunders. 

5. Riens, B. S., & Evans, M. E. (2002). Pharmacological aspects of nursing care (6th ed.). New York: Delmar. 

6. Shives, L. R. (2002). Basic concepts of psychiatric mental health nursing. (5th ed ). Philadelphia: F. A. Davis.

7. Tracy, M. F., Lindaquist, R., Watanuki, S., Sendelbach, S., Kreitzer, M. J., Berman, B., & Savik, MS. (2003, May/June). Nurse attitudes towards the use of complementary and alternative therapies in critical care. Heart & lung. The journal of acute & critical care., 32, 179-209. 

12. English-IV 

References: 1. 

01. American Psychological Association. Retrieved April 08, 2006, from 

2. Barnet, S., & Bedan, H. (1996).Current issues and enduring questions: A guide to critical thinking argument with reading (4th ed.). Boston: Bedford. 

3. Curationis. (2002). Reflective journal writing: how it promotes reflective thinking in clinical nursing education: a students’ perspective. Retrieved April 4, 2006 from 124 

4. Eastwood, J. (2004). Oxford practice grammar. Karachi: Oxford University Press. 

5. Gelfand, H., & Charles J. Walker, J. C. (Eds.). (2001). Mastering APA style: Instructor’s resource guide (5th ed.).Washington: American Psychological Association. 

6. Gelfand, H., & Charles J. Walker, J. C. (Eds.). (2001). Mastering APA style: Student’s work book and training guide (5th ed.). Washington: American Psychological Association. 

7. Glendinning, E. H., & Holmstrom, B. (2004). Study teaching: A course in reading skills for academic purposes (2nd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 

8. Hecker, T., Amon, J., & Nickoli, E,.(2001) Reflective Writing in Nursing. Retrieved April 10, 2006 from 

9. Howe, D. H., Kirkpatrick,T. A., & Kirkpatrick, D. L.(2004). English for undergraduates. Karachi: Oxford University Press. 

10. Moon, J. A. (1999). Reflections in learning and professional development. London: Kogan Page. 

11. Maker, J., & Lenie. M. (1996). Academic reading with active critical thinking. Cambridge: Wadsworth. 

12. Murphy, R. (1989).Grammar in use: Reference and practice for intermediate students of English. New York: Cambridge University Press. 

13. Parks, A. F., Levernier, J. A. C., & Hollowell, I. M. (2001). Structuring paragraphs and essays: A guide to effective writing (5th ed.). Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s. 

14. Rinvolucri, M. (2004). Grammar games: Cognitive affective and drama activities for EFL students. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 

15. Ruetten, M. K. (2004). Focus on writing: Developing composition skills through instruction and practice 1. Singapore: Learners Publishing. 

16. Smaley, R. L., Ruetten, M. K., & Kozyrer, J. R. (2004). Focus on Writing: Refining composition skills through instruction and practice 2. Singapore: Learners Publishing 

13. Nursing Ethics


1. Aiken T. D & Catalano, J. L (1994) Legal, Ethical and Political Issues in Nursing. Philadelphia F. A. Davis 

2. Austin, W (2001) using the Human Rights Paradigm, in Health Ethics: The problems & The possibilities. Nursing Ethics 8(3) pg 183-193. 

3. Bandman & Bandman (1995). Nursing Ethics through the life span (3 rd ed.) New-York: Appleton & Lange. 130 

4. Barnes, J (2002) when, Life ever should The State Be Able to medicate or mentally ill person against her will [on-line]. Available: http:// can. gser. edu/sba/docket/mentally-ill.htm.

5. Beauchamp T. L. and Childress, J. F (2002) Principles of Bio medical Ethics (5th ed) New-York Oxford 

6. Breier-Mackie, S (2001) patient Antomony & Medical Paternity: Can nurses help doctor to listen to patient. Nursing Ethics. (6) pg 510-519 

7. Burkhardt, M. A. & Nathaniel, A. K. (1998). Ethics & Issue: In Contemporary Nursing. Delmar: ITP. 

8. Carter. M. (1999) Betrayard of Trust. Nursing Times. August 11, 95 (32) pg. 34-35. 

9 Chally, P. M. (1998). Decision making in practice. American Journal of Nursing, 6 (98). pg. 17-20 

10. DeLaune, S. C. & Ladner, P. K. (1998). Fundamentals of Nursing Standards & Practise. Delmar, ITP. 

11. Davis, A. J. and Aroskar, M. A., (1991). Ethical dilemmas and nursing practice. (3rd ed.) 

12. Gallagher, E. Etall. (1998). “To enrich bio-ethics, add one part social to one part clinical. 

13. Bio-ethics & society: Constructing the ethical enterprise. Englewood cliffs, NJ: Prentice hall. pg 166-191. 

14. Glen; S & Jownally; S (1995) Privacy. A key Nursing concept.British Journal of Nursing. Vol 4 (2) pg 69-72. 

15. Green, C. (1999) Confidentiality & the law. Nursing times. February 5 (7) pg.53-55. 

16. Gulley, S (1999). Dealing with the dilemmas of confidentiality. Nursing Times. January 6, 95(11). 

17 Hallstrom, I. & Elander, G. (2001). Needs During Hospitalization: Defination & Description made by patient. Nursing Ethics. 8(5) pg 409-417. 

18. Hyder, A.a. & Nadeem, S, (2001) Health Ethics in Pakistn: A Literature Review of its present state. Journal of Health Population Nutrition. March 19 (1) 6-11 

19 Joy Curtis, M. B. (1992). Ethics in Nursing (3rd ed.) 

20. Kenworthy, N., Snowley, G., & Gilling, C. (1992). Common Foundation studies in Nursing: Churchill Living Stone: New York. 

21. Kozier, & Erb, G. (1995). Fundamentals of Nursing: Concepts and procedures, (5th ed.) California. Addison-Wesley. 

22. Mc Hale, J., Gallagher, A & Marson, I (2001). The U.K Human Rights Act 1998: Implication for Nurses. Nursing Ethics 8 93) pg. 221-232. 

23. Merakou.K, Dalla-Vorgia.P, Garanis-Papadatos.T, KoureaKremastinou. J (2001), Satisfying patients’ rights: A hospital patient survey. Nursing Ethics 8 (6) pg.499-507. 

24. Merakou, K., Dalta Vorgia, P., Garanis Papadatos, T. & Kourea Kremastinon, J. (2001) satisfying patient’s Rights: A Hospital patient survery. Nursing Ethics. 8 (6) pg. 499-507 131 

25. Moazam, F (2000) Families Patient & Physician in Medical Decision making: A Pakistani 

26. Perspective Hasting Center Report November-December pg. 28-37.

27. Neal, K. (2000). Can nurses refuse to care for a patient? Nursing Times January 27, 96 (4) pg. 31. 

28. Potter, P. A & Perry, A. G. (2003). Basic Nursing: Essential for Practice. 5 th (ed). Mosby. 

29. Potter, P. & Perry. A (1993). Fundamental of Nursing: Concept, Process & Practice, 3rd ed. Toronto. Mosby. 

30. Pattison, S (2001). Are Nursing codes of practice Ethical. Nursing Ethics. 8 (1) pg 5-17. 

31. Raja, A. J. & Wikler, D (2001). Developing Bio Ethics in Developing countries. J. Health Population Nutrition. 19 (1): 4-5 

32. Roger, B (2002). Honesty and Ethics in the professions; Gallup Poll results. AAOHN Journal .April 50 (4) pg 167-169 

33. Thiel. G. V. & Delden J. V. (2001) The principles of Respect for autonomy in the care of nursing home Residents. Nursing Ethics 8 (5) pg. 419-431. YEA

01. Adult Health Nursing-I 


1. Brunner, L. S., & Suddarth, D. S. (2005). Text Book of MedicalSurgical Nursing (10th Edition). Philadelphia: Lippincott. 

2. Bardsley, A. (1999). A sense of control. Nursing Times, 95 (31) 66-69. 72 

3. Brune, B. (July 2001). Deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis: the effectiveness and implications of using below knee or thigh length graduated compression stocking. Heart and Lung, 30 (4), 277-284. 

4. Black, J. M. & Jacobs, E. M. (1993). Medical Surgical Nursing: A psychophysiological approach. (4th.ed.). Philadelphia: W.B.Saunders. 

5. Edward, S. (2001). Regulation of water, sodium and potassium: Implication for practice. Nursing Standard, 15 (22), 36-45. 

6. Gordon, M. (2004). Nursing Diagnosis: process and application (3rd . ed.) Philadelphia: Mosby. 

7. Hayes, D. (2000). Caring for your patient with permanent hemodialysis access. Nursing, 30 (3), 41-46. 

8. Pullen, M. (1999). Nutrition in chron’s disease. Nursing Standard, 13(27), 49-53. 

9. Smelter, S. C., & Bare, B. G. (2000). Text book of Medical-Surgical Nursing (9th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott. 

10. Tortora, G. J. & Grabowski, S. R. (2000). Principles of anatomy and physiology (9th ed.). New York: John Wiley & sons Inc. 

11. Whyte, A. (2000). Organ recital. Nursing Times, 96 (23), 28-30.

07. Adult Health Nursing-II 


1. Brune, B. (July 2001). Deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis: The effectiveness and implications of using below knee or thigh length graduated compression stocking. (Vol. 30). Heart and lung 277-284. 

2. Dolan, J. T. (1991). Critical care nursing: Clinical management through nursing process. Philadelphia: Davis. 104 

3. Hunt, J. O., Hendrata, M. V., and Myles, P. S. (November/December, 2001). Quality of life 12 months after coronary artery bypass graft surgery. (Vol. 29) Heart and lung. 401- 411. 

4. Ignatavicius, D., & Workman, M. (2002). Medical surgical nursing (4th ed.)Critical thinking for collaborative carePhiladelphia: Saunder. 

5. Ross, & Wilson, K. J. (2002). Anatomy and physiology in health and illness. (7th ed.). Hong Kong: Livingstone. 

6. Sole, M. L., Lamborn, M. L., & Hartshorn, J. C. (2001). Introduction to critical care nursing (3rd ed). .New York: Saunders. 

7. Smeltzer, S. C., & Bare, B. G. (2000). Text book of medical-surgical nursing (9th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott. 

8. Then, A. a. K., I. A. (September/October, 2001). Acute myocardial infarction with angiographically normal coronary arteries. (Vol. 29)Heart and lung, 348-350. 

9. Thompson, J. M., McFarland, G. K., Hirsch, J. E., & Tucker, S. M. (2002a). Clinical nursing (5th ed). London: Mosby. 

10. Thompson, J. M., McFarland, G. K., Hirsch, J. E., & Tucker, S. M. (2002b). Burns (5th ed.) Clinical nursing. London: Mosby. 

11. Tortora, G. J. G., S. R. (2000). Principles of anatomy and physiology (9th. ed). New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc. 

10.Health Assessment -II 


1. Bicklay, L. S. (1999). Bates’ guide to physical examination and history taking (7th ed).Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott. 

2. Cox, C. H. (1997). Clinical applications of nursing diagnosis (3rd ed). 

3. DeGowin, R. L., & Brown, D. D. (2000). Degowin’s diagnostic examination (7th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. 

4. Fuller, J. & Schaller Ayers, J. (2000). Health Assessment: A Nursing approach. (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott. 

5. Jarvis, C. (1996). Physical examination & health assessment (2nd ed).Philadelphia: Saunders. 

6. McFarland, G. K, et. al. (1997). Nursing diagnosis and intervention planning for patient care chapter 1 & 2 (3rd ed). 

7. Munro, J. F., & Campbell, I. W. (2000). Macleod’s clinical examination (10th ed). Edinburgh: Churchhill Livingstone. 

8. Thompson, B. (1991). Clinical manual of health assessment. (4th ed).St. Louis: Mosby. 113 

9. Weber, J. R. (2001). Nurses’ handbook of health assessment (4th ed). Philadelphia: Lippincott. 

10. Wilson, S. F; Giddens J. F. (2001). Health assessment for nursing practice (2nd ed).St. Louis: Mosby. 

11.Developmental Psychology 


1. Atkinson, R. L., Atkinson, R. C., Smith, E. E., Bem, D. J., & NolenHoeksema, S. (1996). Hilgard’s introduction to psychology (12th ed ). Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace & Company. 

2. Aronson, Elliot (2006) Social Psychology, edition 6th Prentice Hall Publication 

3. Charles, G (2005). Understanding Psychology .Amazon series 

4. Gerrig, Zimbardo (2006) Psychology and Life, edition 17th Academic International 

5. Hewstone, M (2005).Psychology. Published by Blackwell, UK ISBN.0631206787 

6. John, W (2004). Health Psychology. Published by Blackwell, UK 1SBN.0631214429 

7. Lynda, l. (2004). Explore the human psyche and understand why we do the things we do. New York: Worth publishers. Everything is a series.

8. Myers, G. (2003). Psychology. New York 10010: Worth Publishers, 41, Madison Avenue 

9. Nairne, J (2005) Psychology. Amazon series. 

10. Nevid, J. (2000). Abnormal psychology in a changing world. London : Prentice Hall. 

11. Publication Manual of the American Psychology Association (5 th ed.). (2001). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. 

12. Sarafino, E. (1994). Health psychology: Bio psychosocial interaction. USA : John Wiley and Sons. 

13. Walker, Jan (2006) Psychology for Nurses and Caring Professionals, Open University Press.

BSN 3rd-Year Books

BS Nursing Books for 3rd-Year or third semester in Pakistan are as follows. In 3rd year BSN, students have to study a total of 10 books: 

01. Pediatric Health Nursing 
02. Community Health Nursing-II 
03. Teaching/Learning: Principles/Practices 
04. English-V 
05. Mental Health Nursing 
06. Intro to Biostatistics 
07. Behavioral Psychology 
08. Epidemiology 
10.English-VI (Academic Writing)

BSN Final (4th-Year) Books

The 4th-Year (Final Year) BS Nursing Books in Pakistan are as follows. In the final year of nursing in Pakistan, students have to study a total of 09 books: 

01. Critical Nursing Care 
02. Introduction to Nursing theories 
03. Leadership/Management in Nursing 
04. Nursing Research 
05. English-VII (Professional Writing) 
06. Community Health Nursing-III 
07. Nursing Seminar 
08. Senior electives in clinical nursing Practicum 
09. English-VIII

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