Concept of Caring in Nursing – Caring is part and parcel of the nursing profession and both words are synonyms to each other.
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Caring in Nursing
Since the days of Florence Nightingale, caring has been considered the soul of nursing. The science of nursing is actually the art of caring. A malady or injury brings along stress, fear, and anxiety. The treatment must include the emotional help of the patient along with medication and physical treatment.
Every profession has some qualities which are necessary in order to be effective and progress in that particular profession. Law enforcement professions are supposed to be just and honest. Psychologists must be friendly and must have attentive listening in order to cure their patients.
A good teacher is dedicated and responsible enough to turn kids into responsible adults. Hence, when it comes to nursing, caring, compassionate, and comforting are the qualities a good nurse needs to cultivate.
Hospitals and health care centers are the places where people must feel safe and secure. It is only possible when they get the proper care following the caring concepts of the Nursing profession.
Studies have shown that stress releases a hormone called cortisol. This hormone is responsible for causing inflammation in the human body and slows down the process of recovery. Less stress is necessary for the quick recovery of the patient which is possible through a proper caring attitude in nursing.
Top Caring behaviors in Nursing
We can define the best caring behaviors in nursing as witnessed in the practical profession. Individuals have to possess these behaviors in order to be successful in nursing. Educational institutions set these behaviors as targets for their pupils who want to join nursing as a profession.
- Attentive listening: caring in nursing demands attentive listening from the nurse. She has to listen and understand the emotional condition of the patient. Good listening will make the diagnosis easy and accurate.
- Comforting: no one needs as many comforting words as do the sick and injured. An optimistic approach in patients is necessary for quick recovery and that can only be achieved by comforting words.
- Honesty: honesty is an integral part of every profession and nursing is no exception. Honesty with the profession is one of the caring behaviors in nursing.
- Patience: it is important to possess the quality of patience among ever-complaining and moaning patients. Tense environment in health care facilities can only be endured with patience.
- Touch: gentle touch is among the caring behaviors while nursing. The patient feels himself in good hands
- Respect: respect your patients. A good nurse gives respect to doctors, patients, and attendants of the patients.
- Providing Information: caring in nursing demands that you provide accurate information to your patients. Patients have the right to know the stage of his illness and risks involved in a particular treatment.
Calling your patient by name creates a feeling of love and care. It conveys that you see your patient as a person rather than an object or just another sick body.
Five C’s of Sister Simon Roach
Sister Simon Roach came up with five C’s for the concept of caring in nursing profession. These are commitment, conscience, competence, compassion, and confidence. These five C’s are considered important in care for the patient and the professional growth of the nurse.
Compassion is the defining characteristic of the nurse. A nurse should be compassionate for the patients in the true sense of this word. A firm commitment and dedication to the well-being of the patient is also very necessary.
The commitment of the nurse gives a boost to the optimism of the patient which is very crucial in the speedy recovery of the sick.
Competence matters in every profession and it matters more when it comes to the health of the public. A nurse should be competent enough to diagnose properly and administer the treatment as suggested by the physician. She should treat the patient in a manner she would like to be treated if she was the patient.
Furthermore, the conscience of reciprocated situations helps a nurse in giving proper care and loving-kindness to much deserving patients.
Dr. Jean Watson’s concept of caring in Nursing
Watson advocated that nurses should learn caring as science just like they learn curing as a science. Caring was possible without curing while curing was not possible without caring. Care is an integral part of the cure and without it cure cannot exist. We can only provide the best care to our patients when we consider caring a science.
“Nursing offers to the world what the world needs – human caring and peace!” said Watson. Everybody wants to be heard, respected, and taken care of. While care is important for all humans, it becomes an essential part of the nursing profession. Watson called nursing a spiritual profession and caring in nursing includes connecting with patients on a spiritual level. This connection will speed up the healing process.
Dr. Jean Watson’s theory for caring in nursing can be summed up in the following principles.
- Caritas Factors
These factors include building and maintaining an “authentic caring relationship” with the patient. A nurse should be present near the patient and supportive for the patient’s feelings without being judgmental. She must not cross intimacy boundaries though. - Transpersonal caring relationship in nursing
Caring in nursing goes beyond all personal prejudices of a nurse. It is about the moral commitment of the nurse to care irrespective of color, creed or race of the patient. - Caring moment or caring occasion
According to Watson, a nurse should ‘pause to care’ in this busy life. A caring moment is the moment when a patient needs comfort, counseling, or any medication.
It is extremely important that nursing students be taught caring theories, concept of caring in nursing and caring science in institutions. A nurse devoid of care is equal to a person devoid of medical knowledge. A professional and a good nurse always comes up with great caring behavior towards its patients.