Young Nurses Association (YNA) Protests – On 17th of June, 2022, the workers of the Young Nurses Association (YNA) gathered in Peshawar, Pakistan for protesting againt the govt’s policies for the nursing community in the province.
The Young Nurses Association (YNA) is the non-governmental nursing organization that works for the rights of the nurses in Pakistan and it has its key presidents, speakers and organizers in every province and district of the country. The YNA has always stood against the wrong policies adopted against the nursing community and hence it strengthens the nursing profession as well as the nursing community in the country.
The Young Nurses Association (YNA) with hundreds of their workers – professional nurses blocked the main Suray Pull Road while protesting and chanting the slogans against provincial Health Minitry.
Nurses in the protest demanded the goverment to increase salaries in this difficult time of high inflation in the country. Furthermore, some nurses raised the posters with slogans that nurses allowance is the right of the nurses and KPK government must accordingly provide allowances to the KPK nurses the way other provinces in the country are providing.
In the Young Nurses Association (YNA) protests, some posters were with the slogans to not the treat KPK nurses like a step-mother – instead they should be given equal rights, allowances and the benefits that nurses are enjoying in other provinces of the country.